Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tis The Season (A very unorganized Blog of reflecting 2008).

Christmas is only a few short days away, and this weather definitely puts some Christmas spirit in me. I love snow, I always have and I always will.  Those who have known me since I was a child will vouch for the fact that I was always the first one of all the neighborhood kids to go outside in the early mornings of snow! I don't think it is something I will ever grow out of.

Christmas this year is definitely going to be different than all of the others that we've had. It seems that every year right before Christmas we always get some sort of "bonus" money from the military or something else that ends up being our gift money. So far since Aaron was born (and now Blake) we have managed to spoil the heavens out of them on Christmas and this year... well we received no bonus money. In a way it has kind of been a good thing, because we are now able to really focus on what Christmas is all about.. being thankful for all the things that you DO have and not the things that you really don't need. Of course we were able to scrounge up a little money to put a few things under the tree, but at times, selfishly I get kind of sad thinking that it isn't enough for the kids. God bless the economy!!

This last year has been the ultimate challenge in ever aspect of our lives. We have been financially challenged, our marriage underwent the ultimate challenge, and our boys are getting older and changing to where raising them is becoming extremely challenging. 

Back in October of 2007 Jay got out of the Army and joined the Pipefitters Union which was supposed to be so promising. Don't get me wrong, it is not a bad job to have. But starting out you constantly face layoffs. This year we "survived" over 5 months of unemployment which financially damaged us. But when he was working he made great money. So we have been struggling trying to learn how to manage our money better. -- Back in May Jay got assigned to go out on a job that required him to travel during the week and only come home some weekends. He had to go to Eastern Washington, it really pulled us apart. Our marriage has already been though a year of separation in Iraq which we are still putting the pieces together from that and then when he left for Moses Lake things just really took a dive... now we are trying to find the pieces in hopes to glue them back together. It has been a long road but it is getting better. -- Right before Blake turned 2, he started the "terrible two's" stage which I didn't go through with Aaron until he was 3 1/2. The most frustrating thing about it is that he does talk very much, so the communication with him isn't there and his temper gets out of control. So instead of being able to reason with him with words (like I did Aaron), I just get frustrated because I don't know how to deal with him. I feel like I still baby him too much because he doesn't talk and is the baby of the family. -- Aaron turned 5 this year and his independence is definitely shining through. He definitely likes to do things all by himself (make sandwiches, shower, brush his teeth, etc..) and he loves to tell mommy how things are going to be (errr!). He fights with me on taking baths/showers, what he is going to wear when we go out of the house (which trust me, is really hideous, because it doesn't match 90% of the time)... isn't that stuff you are supposed to be fighting with a teenager on?!

Anyway, to wrap things up. With the way the economy is, I think that this years holiday season is definitely teaching a lot of families that it isn't always about money or what kinds of gifts are under the tree. It's about the birth of Christ obviously, but also about the bonding of families, the magic of snow, and finding the ultimate things that truly make you happy in life. And this year, it's also about saving money!! 

So for all those in Western Washington... enjoy this "snowy storm" and cold weather. It truly is a beautiful thing, just wear a warm jacket! I know I'll probably be the first one outside tomorrow playing in the snow!!

-GoodNight & Happy Reading!- 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Re: Shooting in Lacey

It has been a very exhausting weekend and Monday. For those of you who live in the Lacey/Olympia area probably heard about the shooting early morning on Saturday. A really good friend of mine was at the wrong place at the wrong time and got shot in the leg which split his femur in two which took extensive surgery to fix. The hubby and I have spent all weekend going up there to see him and keep him company. Fortunately he is still in good spirits with the medication they are giving him for the pain. The man that shot him was luckily caught by the OPD and LPD and they ended up shooting him to death after resisting arrest and reaching for his weapon in the car. In a sinful way I am kind of glad this guy got killed by the police because he has a huge criminal background and people like him don't deserve to enjoy the freedoms that my husband went to war and fought for. Plus it is just one more POS off of the streets.

For those of you out there that pray, please pray for my friend to have a full recovery. Hopefully this injury won't cause him pain throughout the rest of his life. I know he is really bummed out because he has been looking forward to snowboarding all year and now he can't.

Anyway, I would write more but I am too tired.

Happy Reading! 

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Dear Friend...

Back in August, we made a choice to have one of our dearest friends come back to Washington in hopes to help him improve his life. He is someone that was there for us when he didn't have to be, and someone that we were there for during the hardest time of his life. Anyway, he lived with us for almost four months, and just last week we had to ask him to find another place to stay because of financial reasons. And unfortunately he had to go back home all the way to Ohio. It is weird not having him here, and I really worry about him and the choices he is making. Before he joined the Army (he is out now) he did a lot of horrible things back in Ohio and I just hope that this time he is going to improve his life and rise above everyone in his family and actually make something of himself. I hate seeing people I care about fail in their lives. I am not exactly where I want to be financially in my life, but I have a good head on my shoulders and I make good decisions. I just have two little road blocks that call me "mommy"... and until they both get in school I really don't have many options to go back to school and improve myself. But you bet, when they are in school I will be getting my ass back to college and making something great of myself.

Anyway, it had been a few days since I had heard from our friend, and tonight his cousin "accidentally" got ahold of his phone and called using all kinds of vulgar language, not directed toward me, but he sounded like he was on drugs and it was just really disrespectful. Our friend got on the phone acting like he had no idea who he even was, and I just kind of feel like it was a big slap in the face.

Well, it's Friday night and I am going to be spending the whole night trying to clean my place. I am sick of the mess! I live in a house of only boys (besides the kitty), and sometimes I wanna go crazy!

Happy Reading! 

My First Blog!

It is amazing that I have been into computers for so long and never once have I been a member of a blog community (besides Myspace, which you have to be careful what you post because there is so much ridiculous drama)! And I also love to write, that was one of the only subjects I did well at in school. Like my husband says, I think too much! So maybe this will be a good thing to have a BlogSpot account. Now the whole world will know what is going on in my life and maybe can relate to how I feel.

About Me:
I am 23 years old. I have been married to my husband Jerry since I was 17 (we are going to be celebrating our six year anniversary soon). We have two adorable little boys Aaron and Blake. Aaron is about to be five years old (November 21) and Blake will be two on December 2nd.  Those two little guys are a handful but they bring so much joy to my life. I go to bed every night wondering what I can do to make their life even better the next day. As far as I know right now, we are done having kids, the world is just too scary of a place to bring any more "victims" into it... Anyway, we have two adorable little furballs, Tucker and Anna (dog & cat), they keep us laughing.

Anyway... this was my start. Happy reading!